29 May 2010

I Miss My Wife

You definitely know you have it good when you miss someone as much as I have missed my wife. Let's put it this way, I was nervous for her to go back to California only because I was worried Mel might miss it so much that coming back to Oklahoma would seem like a nightmare. Well, come to find out, it wasn't necessarily Okie she missed, it was me. Her words to me were "I don't care where I am, as long as I have you with me, I'm good." You have no idea how much that meant to me. Again, if you know my wife, that's totally something she would say. That girl has been by my side since day 1.

When you spend every day with someone, there is a tendency to get tired of them, but that's not the case with Mel. Since we have been married I have had the honor and privilege of spending every day with her. When she left this week, I literally didn't know what to do with myself! I was luckily kept busy with a community outreach project with our youth group and 3 other groups in town, and like I said, if that all wasn't going on, I'd have been bored out of my mind!

Mel arrives at Tulsa International Airport at 2:40 and I can't wait to give her the biggest hug, and here's a fun fact for you all... my wife fits perfectly in my arms. I can't wait. Yes, it's only been a week but you know what... I'm allowed to miss my wife and my best friend.

So lay off :)

13 May 2010

It's Been a While

Why yes it has. It seems like you get into a routine of posting and then all of a sudden you have a billion things on your plate. That's kind of been the story of my life lately. Things have been great. Mel and I are loving it each and every day. Yes, we get homesick at times, but it's nothing a Starbucks trip in Tulsa can't fix!

The transition has been difficult. We made it past our first month out here and honestly, we couldn't ask for more. Last night as we were going to bed, my wife leaned over to me and said "Babe, we're living God's dream." It took me back a second because just earlier that day I remember thinking to myself, "We're living our dream", since last night we talked about dreams and aspirations in the youth. Once again, without even knowing it, my wife called me out.

As life goes on, and I realize a lot of people my age are making life choices, it gets really easy to get caught up in what's going on in our lives that we forget that our dream and goal should be first and foremost to make God happy. When we focus on making God happy, everything else in our lives will fall into place, because that's the way He works.

A verse that stuck out to me this week was Psalm 37:4-6 where it says:

4 Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you your heart’s desires.

5 Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust him, and he will help you.

6 He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,
and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.

How cool is that? If we take delight in Him, our desires will be God's desires. If we commit to Him, He will help us. And the imagery of our innocence radiating like the dawn and the justice of our cause shining like the noonday sun means that our God will allow us to thrive in Him.

It's amazing.

My brother asked me yesterday how my quiet time was going, and for the first time in a long time I was able to confidently say it was going awesome. So I guess I can ask you all the same thing:

How's your quiet time going? Are your heart's desires God's heart desires?

Just a thought :) Love you all!