09 June 2010


Ok, so we are at camp and are in the middle of our third day. God has been doing some cool things out here. Not only has this been a sweet experience for a lot of our students, but God is totally speaking to a decent handful of them. One of our students accepted Christ last night as I was praying they would and at one point of the night I was able to share my testimony in detail with our students and they totally responded to it. So cool.

There was a point during the youth minister meeting where we all gave our prayer requests for our groups. We all went around in a circle giving ours. No joke I was the only one with a "praise prayer request". Everyone else seemed like they had been dreading camp because of their student situations. It made me pretty proud. I'm so proud of our students. I'm so proud of our leaders. And I'm so proud to be able to be a part of New Community Church. God is good!

We come back Friday, and I pray that our students remember this week, and that this doesn't become a trip where they get on a "camp high" and have what God has done fade. Pray for that :) I miss my wife a lot too... I surely cannot wait to see her beautiful self. Love you babe!

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