12 July 2010

There's Really Not That Much to It

So another month has passed, and it seems like things are pretty good.  A lot has gone on in a month.  Mel and I made a promise to ourselves that we were going to do what we felt like God was telling us no matter what it was and no matter how much it didn't make sense.  But see, the thing is, is that's a lot easier said than done most times.

I drove to Tulsa this morning at 5:30am and it's funny how much God can do with a simple 45 minute car ride.  As a thunder storm was brewing to the west, there was a beautiful sunrise to the east.  On top of THAT (which was more than enough of a comfort for me) my iPod decided to throw on Hillsong's "Oh You Bring."  If you haven't heard that song I suggest you follow this link real fast.  Anyways, let's just say I was brought back exactly where I needed to be.  The lyrics of this song are SO powerful, so much that I was driving there bawling like a three-year-old on the hi-way :)

Oh You bring hope to the hopeless

And light to those in the darkness
And death to life
Now I'm alive
Oh You give peace to the restless
And joy to homes that are broken
I see You now
In You I'm found

And You opened the door for me
And You laid down
Your life to set me free
All that I am will serve You Lord
And You opened my eyes to see
All the wonder and awe of Christ in me
Jesus You're everything I need

Oh You fill those who are empty
And rescue those in the valley
And through it all You calm my soul
Oh You find me in my weakness
And heal the wounds of my heartache
I worship You in spirit and truth

I am a devout follower of Christ.  God has opened the door for Mel and I and we are going to continue to walk through them as long as they remain open.  Where has our wonder and awe of God been?  Has it been shining through us?  Have we been living a life that shouts that Jesus is everything we need?  I try and fall short every day.  But as Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."  He is all-powerful, all loving, a craftsman of our lives and overall, AMAZING.  

I suggest we take chances.  If those chances are faith based, God will show us some pretty rad things.

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