14 August 2010

Good to Be Home

So a lot has happened in the last few months.  It seems like God has pulled Mel and I in a billion different directions, all to say that we've been doing everything in our power to make Him happy.

Life in Oklahoma wasn't bad at all.  We didn't come back because we did anything wrong, made any poor moral decisions or anything like that, it was through daily prayer that we realized starting a family in Oklahoma was not something we felt like God was asking us to do.  It's not even the fact we didn't want to start a family in Oklahoma in particular, but that we wanted to start a family with our extended families who we love near to invest time in our future child's life, whenever that may be :]  Our prayers go out to New Community Church every day.  We know we left abruptly, but we are confident that God will move in that place whether we are there or not.  What NCC is doing is amazing... especially in the lives of the youth and the leaders there!  We love you guys!

Speaking of family, we have been welcomed back with open arms at IHC.  I recently was hired as the Associate Junior High Director, and Mel and I are SO SO excited to be a part of the IHSM family.  God's opened doors to start school at Vanguard University in September and am receiving encouragement from everyone along the way.  Dave and Carol Steck have shown Mel and I just how much they love us and that, like family, they are going to be there for us along the way... Its so cool.  Yes, it'll get tough, but God's bigger than full schedules, money, and where you live :)

I live a life to please God, and like it says in Philippians, "I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death... If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me."

Fruitful labor is a big reality in my future, but to have fruitful labor while being a part of the IHSM team, having family around, and a wife that loves me... I figure God will get me through it :)


  1. As an Atheist who opposes abortion (Many loving families want to adopt) there is one thing i have always questioned about this specific question, would jesus have done this?

    The answer from what I have read of the bible is no. Jesus would have tried to reach these people and take them and give them the support they need to go through this. I have wondered why church goes don't stand outside and be kind polite and show them how the church will support them and help them get through this troubled time.

    Just ask these people for 15 minutes and show them how churches will help them and ask them to reconsider then follow through. I think this would have a much larger impact in the long run and help people find peace in their lives. I always liked the stories of jesus cause never really told people what to do, he showed them.

    Maybe some places do this, i'm not sure but i have never seen it.

  2. I agree with you completely man. There is NO WAY I believe Christ would EVER stand outside and block a clinic like that. It was an interesting essay to write because I have been all too familiar with the "Church going" type to do something so blunt and silly.

    Like you said... It'd be crazy to see how much 15 minutes of taking people where they are and loving them no matter what would do. I think Christians as a whole would get a better image if they went back to the basics of how Christ acted, and that's just loving the crap out of people :)

    I like your way of thinking man... It's refreshing to hear
